The IHC 2022, International Horticultural Congress will take place in Angers, France, from August 14 to 20 August 2022. This is an exceptional event, which takes place every four years on a different continent and brings together several thousand researchers from around the world. This 2022 edition will also be open to non-research professionals in the horticultural sector. www.ihc2022.org.
On this occasion, the city of Angers wished to highlight the new plants by associating with the actors of the territory. It is with pleasure that we accepted this invitation. In the Jardin des Plantes of Angers, you will discover, within 6 squares, some examples of SAPHO varieties, among the 300 of our catalogue, some of which have become international best-sellers.
This space is open to the public at the Jardin des Plantes in Angers until autumn (including during the Salon du Végétal)
In the early 1970s, the research programmes of INRAE* in Angers for new disease-resistant varieties (e.g. Pyracantha and fire blight) and for ornamental diversification (Forsysthia, Weigela, Clematis, etc.) led to the first selections. Some thirty French nurseries, including the major nurseries in Anjou, joined forces to ensure the multiplication and distribution of these new varieties. This partnership with research gave rise to SAPHO, the Syndicat d'Amélioration des Plantes Horticoles Ornementales.
Today, SAPHO is a limited liability company with 13 French nurseries, its head office is in Beaufort en Anjou and its offices in Ste Gemmes sur Loire. Thanks to the partnership with about fifty breeders and agents in France, Europe, United States, Japan, ... the SAPHO catalogue is enlarged every year and now includes nearly 300 varieties.
* INRA, now INRAE: National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. www.inrae.fr
The square "variétés historiques"
Selected by INRAE (FR)- 1974
Selected by INRAE/SAPHINOV (FR) - 2000
Selected by INRAE/SAPHINOV (FR) - 2004
Selected by INRAE/SAPHINOV (FR) - 2013
Also to be discovered
The story of the revival of the elm in our landscapes, thanks to selections resistant to elm dutch disease:
Ulmus minor VADA® 'Wanoux
Ulmus LUTECE® 'Nanguen
Ulmus RESISTA® 'Sapporo Gold
Research work: INRAE Nancy and INRAE Angers (Fr) in collaboration with Alterra (NL)
Publishing : Sapho
To find out more about INRAE's plant breeding initiatives for the ornamental sector and the INRAE / SAPHO / SAPHIR / SAPHINOV partnerships
Vanille Fraise® :
a success all over the world
Selected by E.J.T. RENAULT (FR)- 2005
(Eric, Jean, Thierry RENAULT)
The 2 "Summer blooms" squares
Bedding plant: summer flowering White, blue, purple camaieu
Selected by Nelly Panaget (FR) - 2019
Selected by Luen Miller (USA) - 2020
Selected by Ernest TURC sas (FR) - 2017
Selected by INRAE/SAPHINOV (FR) - 202022
Selected by Boot & Co Boomkwekerijen (NL) - 2019
Diffusion KOLSTER (NL) - 2021
Selected by Lagerstroemia sarl (FR) - 2011
Selected by Barrault Horticulture sarl (FR) - 2014
Selected by Arnaud TRAVERS (FR) - 2018
Bedding plant : Summer flowering, white, pink, red camaïeu
Selected by INRAE/SAPHINOV (FR) - 2014
Selected by James BERRY (USA) - 2019
Selected by Boot & Co Boomkwekerijen (NL) - 2019
Selected by Jean Renault (FR) - 2017
Selected by Alain DABADIE (FR) - 2022
Selected by HYFRYD PLANTS (UK) - 2019
Diffusion KOLSTER (NL) - 2021
Selected by Catherine BARNABE (FR) - 2010
Selected by Jean Pierre FAURE (FR) - 2015
The 2 "shape, foliage, original graphics" squares
Plant diversity is infinite. The pleasure in the garden is also to be surprised, to be amazed, to find forms, colours, perfumes which will renew the interest in the garden.
To be included in the SAPHO catalogue, these varieties must also be "good natured plants", i.e. plants that are easy to grow, easy to care for, adapted to the intended use (small gardens, ground cover, etc.) and resistant (e.g. to the sun for golden foliage)
Here are a few examples planted in the Jardin des plantes squares for the IHC 2022. Do not hesitate to dive into the SAPHO catalogue to discover all our varieties.
Selected by Alain DABADIE (FR) - 2016
(weeping form on stem, or ground cover)
Selected by Johann MUSTER (CH) - 2011
Selected by Richard E. DAVIS (USA) - 2014
Selected by Henri BREGEON (CH) - 2000
Selected by Liss Forest Nursery (UK) - 2017
Selected by Albert BRENELIERE (FR) - 2015
Selected by Floribreed V.O.F. (NL) - 2013
Selected by Rachelle FYFE (NZ) - 2008
The "fruit and decorative garden" square
Selected by Jean Renault - 2009
Selected by Jan DE BEOR (NL) - 2018
Selected by Steve YANDALL (UK) - 2019
Selected by
Caution, decorative only,
do not eat
Editor of varietal innovations for garden, landscapes and cities
It may be useful to remind that SAPHO does not produce or sell plants. In the world of plants, we act as an editor, which can be compared to the publisher in the world of books. Our missions are :
- To select, in partnership with breeders and nurserymen, new varieties that will be innovative and sustainable plants, must also be "des plantes de bonne nature": aesthetic, generous, original and also resistant, easy to grow and maintain, adapted to the needs of the markets and to agronomic requirements.
- To ensure the promotion and development of the varieties created so that they are multiplied by licensed nurseries, known, cultivated and used by the entire sector in France, Europe and the world.
If you are a breeder, do not hesitate to contact us, we can assist you in the development and protection of your creations.
We will be happy to welcome you on our booth no GP 101
We will also be holding a mini conference in the FORUM Coeur du Végétal area, on Thursday 15 September from 2.15 to 2.45 pm