Quick view Clematis 'Blue Light' Generous lavender blue clematis from May to September. About 2 m high and fast growing, this variety of clematis is remarkable because of its...
Quick view Clematis CHIBI® 'Niida' A compact, highly floriferous clematis, ideal for terraces or small gardens. Beautiful, bright pink flowers with lighter central veins and...
Quick view Passiflora RIVERSIDE® 'Damsel's Delight' Walls, trellises and pots : big decorative flowers from May to the frosts Vigorous and spectacularly climbing, this polyploid hybrid attaches...
Quick view Passiflora RIVERSIDE® 'Snow Queen' Walls, trellises and pots : a graphic passion flower from May to the frosts Vigorous and spectacularly climbing, this polyploid hybrid attaches...
Quick view Sollya heterophylla ULTRA BLUE 'TUISOL' An unusual climber with multiple, intensely blue bell-like flowers Sollya heterophylla is an attractive and abundant climber for gardens where...
Quick view Wisteria sinensis BLUE LINE® Copper 'Leo' Intense charm and fragrance, with superb coppery spring foliage This variety of Chinese wisteria is original for its young coppery foliage, which...