Quick view Clematis CHIBI® 'Niida' A compact, highly floriferous clematis, ideal for terraces or small gardens. Beautiful, bright pink flowers with lighter central veins and...
Quick view Clematis montana STARLET® White Perfume 'HYFLET' A clematis with a great thrive and white, perfumed semi-double flowers This spectacularly vigorous clematis has an early spring bloom on the...
Quick view Sollya heterophylla ULTRA BLUE 'TUISOL' An unusual climber with multiple, intensely blue bell-like flowers Sollya heterophylla is an attractive and abundant climber for gardens where...
Quick view Wisteria sinensis BLUE LINE® Copper 'Leo' Intense charm and fragrance, with superb coppery spring foliage This variety of Chinese wisteria is original for its young coppery foliage, which...