Quick view Abelia PINK PONG® 'ABENOV41' Very decorative from May to October! Very floriferous over a long period of time (from May to October), PINK PONG® is decorative from spring...
Quick view Exochorda racemosa MAGICAL® SPRINGTIME... Upright branches covered in a profusion of pure white flowers in spring Exochordas are shrubs that will delight in the spring with their...
Quick view Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL® Vesuvio 'Kolmavesu' A compact novelty with evolving colours Magical Vesuvio is a handsome novelty of Hydrangea paniculata with evolving colours. The panicles carry...
Quick view Ilex crenata 'Glorie Dwarf' An alternative to box in oceanic and continental climates Ilex crenata 'Glorie Dwarf' is a dwarf holly with small dark-green leaves and a...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica BRAISE D'ETE 'Indybra' A very early fire-red in the INDIYA CHARMS® range. The very early flowering is remarkable because of its very dense, good-sized, intense red...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica CAMAÏEU D'ETE 'Indycam' The earliest variety of the INDIYA CHARMS® range. The earliest cultivation of this range offers a cameo of pretty white to mauve coloured...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica FUCHSIA D'ETE 'Indyfus' The fuchsia coloured lilac of the INDIYA CHARMS® range The young red shoots make room for big shiny leaves, purple green to bronze, depending on...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica VIOLET D'ETE 'Indyvio' Bright violet in the INDIYA CHARMS® range This strong growing variety offers early very bright violet flowers, contrasting with the gold-yellow...
Quick view Lavatera x clementii CHAMALLOW® 'Inovera' A bright lavatera for the beginning of summer. Deriving from the Lavatera olbia 'Rosea', CHAMALLOW® shows a certain orginality compared to the...
Quick view Rubus idaeus GROOVY 'JDEBOER005' Perfect for the trend towards small ornamental and gourmet gardens! A new variety of dwarf raspberry, Rubus idaeus Groovy is also a highly...
Quick view Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii MAGICAL® Candy... Compact with many fruits, a snowberry with deep pink berries. This cultivation has all the characteristics of the snowberry of the MAGICAL®...
Quick view Symphoricarpos x doorenbosii MAGICAL® Galaxy... Compact and very fruit-bearing, a snowberry with white berries. This cultivation has all the characteristics of the snowberry of the MAGICAL®...