Quick view Abelia PINK PONG® 'ABENOV41' Very decorative from May to October! Very floriferous over a long period of time (from May to October), PINK PONG® is decorative from spring...
Quick view Cupressocyparis (X) leylandii 'Blue Jeans' Precious in nurseries and recommended for hedges. The vegetation of this clone is bushy and wide; 'Blue Jeans' grows from several stems. It...
Quick view Cupressocyparis (X) leylandii EXCALIBUR GOLD®... For a hedge with golden foliage. The golden foliage of this variety of X Cupressocyparis is of good sun resistance. It is quite column shaped,...
Quick view Exochorda racemosa MAGICAL® SPRINGTIME... Upright branches covered in a profusion of pure white flowers in spring Exochordas are shrubs that will delight in the spring with their...
Quick view Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL® Vesuvio 'Kolmavesu' A compact novelty with evolving colours Magical Vesuvio is a handsome novelty of Hydrangea paniculata with evolving colours. The panicles carry...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica BRAISE D'ETE 'Indybra' A very early fire-red in the INDIYA CHARMS® range. The very early flowering is remarkable because of its very dense, good-sized, intense red...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica CAMAÏEU D'ETE 'Indycam' The earliest variety of the INDIYA CHARMS® range. The earliest cultivation of this range offers a cameo of pretty white to mauve coloured...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica FUCHSIA D'ETE 'Indyfus' The fuchsia coloured lilac of the INDIYA CHARMS® range The young red shoots make room for big shiny leaves, purple green to bronze, depending on...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica VIOLET D'ETE 'Indyvio' Bright violet in the INDIYA CHARMS® range This strong growing variety offers early very bright violet flowers, contrasting with the gold-yellow...
Quick view Lavatera x clementii CHAMALLOW® 'Inovera' A bright lavatera for the beginning of summer. Deriving from the Lavatera olbia 'Rosea', CHAMALLOW® shows a certain orginality compared to the...
Quick view Prunus laurocerasus 'Greentorch' A hardy selection with well-branched growth, for a maintenance-free hedge. This variety, coming from a Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken'...
Quick view Prunus laurocerasus GENOLIA® 'Mariblon' For a naturally narrow and hardy hedge. This Prunus laurocerasus has been cultivated in Switzerland for its erect and narrow growth. It only...