Quick view Actinidia chinensis 'Minkigold' Small fruits with yellow flesh and the scent of apples. Right from its early age, this female variety carries apple scented fruit of 3 to 4 cm...
Quick view Campsis x tagliabuana ORANGEADE® 'TRACAMP' Sparkling Trumpet Vine : lots of flowers, splashing luminous colors! From July to September, ORANGEADE® has beautiful clusters made up of 8 to...
Quick view Ilex x meservae MAGICAL® Little Rascal 'Mondo' A cute little holly. This holly variety has a dense, well-branched shape and is slow-growing. It is a male forn (no fruit), the white flowers in...
Quick view Lonicera CAPRILIA® Ever 'INOV42' Ever, always: dense foliage even in winter, fragrant flowers in summer, bluish fuits in autumn. This variety of climbing honeysuckle of our...
Quick view Lonicera periclymenum CAPRILIA® Imperial 'INOV86' Imperial honeysuckle : an avalanche of beautiful red, fragrant flowers. This selection of climbing honeysuckle of the CAPRILIA ® range derives...
Quick view Prunus laurocerasus ETNA 'Anbri' Little springtime vulcanos for a low hedge. This variety of laurel with elegant branches naturally reaches a height of about 2 m and a spread of...
Quick view Sollya heterophylla ULTRA BLUE 'TUISOL' An unusual climber with multiple, intensely blue bell-like flowers Sollya heterophylla is an attractive and abundant climber for gardens where...
Quick view Trachelospermum jasminoides WINTER RUBY® 'TRARED' Perfumed flowers in summer and a superb coral-red foliage in winter In winter its stems and foliage acquire a pronounced, beautiful and...