Quick view Caryopteris x clandonensis 'White Surprise' Its variegation sets off well its blue flowers. 'White Surprise', a selection of variegated Caryopteris surprises with its very bright, white...
Quick view Caryopteris x clandonensis GRAND BLEU® 'Inoveris' The bluest of all Caryopteris - GRAND BLEU® has been a STAR shrub for nearly 15 years. GRAND BLEU ® is a dense, bushy rounded shrub. Its growth...
Quick view Eriostemon (Philotheca) myoporoides GOLD TOUCH®... The elegance of the Eriostemon, the variegation in addition ! This variety of eriostemon is distinguished by its elegant, bright, variegated...
Quick view Lavandula stoechas MAGICAL® Posy Pink 'KOLMAPOPI' A fragrant pink cushion that never stops blooming! MAGICAL® Posy Pink lavender is a very compact variety that forms a round cushion of flowers!...
Quick view Lavandula stoechas MAGICAL® Posy Purple... A pretty, fragrant purple cushion that never stops blooming! MAGICAL® Posy Purple lavender is a very compact variety that forms a round cushion...
Quick view Pervoskia atriplicifolia SILVERY BLUE 'LISSVERY' Bright, dense and upright, with lavender blue flowers until autumn This bright variety of Perovskia is of a dense and upright habit and maintains...
Quick view Salvia 'Bleu Armor' Attractive because of its intense blue, early flowers, which renew themselves until autumn. Its shrub-like wide shape is regular, branched, dense...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Flammenn' Among the compact Salvia, the fire red one from May to October. 'Flammenn', has been selected: - for its extremely even, compact and...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Melen' Compact Salvia, delicate due to its jellow - brown contrast from May to October. 'Melen' has been chosen: - for its extremely even, compact and...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Pluenn' A bright pink from May onwards, 'Pluenn' offers a very beautiful second flowering at the end of the season. 'Pluenn' has been chosen: - for its...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis RÊVE® ROUGE 'FAURESAL02' Really red! The flowering-period ranges from May to October. These quite long clusters of flower heads are well stocked with good sized flowers...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis VIOLETTE DE LOIRE® 'Barsal' Original violet from May to the first frosts The flowers, more than 3 cm long, are of an intense, velvety violet, with a purplish blue light in...