Quick view Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' A constantly renewed kaleidoscope, much appreciated by gardeners. This evergreen shrub with variegated foliage, light green and golden yellow in...
Quick view Abelia x grandiflora 'Pink Lady' Delicate foliage variegation for this very dense shrub The delicate small sized foliage shows off a marked variegation: bright pink on the young...
Quick view Actinidia chinensis 'Minkigold' Small fruits with yellow flesh and the scent of apples. Right from its early age, this female variety carries apple scented fruit of 3 to 4 cm...
Quick view Actinidia deliciosa 'HERMA' A self-fertile kiwi plant with very large fruits This variety of kiwi, with its large, round leaves and self-fertilizing flowers, doesn't need...
Quick view Buddleja davidii Pink Panther 'RUTBU2016' An original colour for this compact butterfly tree! This butterfly tree has a naturally dense, branching habit, suitable for small gardens and...
Quick view Callistemon viminalis HOT PINK 'KKHO1' Bright pink flowers for this Callistemon, more hardy than other classic varieties. Like all the 'bottle brushes', the flowers are grouped in a...
Quick view Ceanothus 'Blue Diamond' An ideal evergreen for small spaces. Blue Diamond' is a shrub of about 1.00 m high with shiny evergreen foliage. Its beautiful deep blue...
Quick view Cotinus coggygria 'Young Lady' Astonishing smoke tree, compact and floriferous. 'Young Lady', has a particularly dense and rounded shape and is of good growth. Its rounded,...
Quick view Geranium wallichianum MAGICAL® Delight... All the qualities of 'Rozanne' with a denser branching and exceptional purple-blue floridity MAGICAL® Delight is a variety of geranium that...
Quick view Geranium wallichianum MAGICAL® Joy 'Bocoalsbl' All the qualities of 'Rozanne' with a denser branching and exceptional pink-blue floridity MAGICAL® Joy is a geranium variety that flowers...
Quick view Hydrangea anomala SEMIOLA® 'Inovalaur' A climbing, semi-evergreen, vigourous hydrangea. This climbing Hydrangea comes from a crossing of H. anomala ssp petiolaris and H. seemannii. It...
Quick view Hydrangea macrophylla DOLCE® Farfalle 'Dolfarf' A profusion of pink balls in summer. Spectacular in June - July. Farfalle has a ball-shaped inflorescence, very original through their florets...