Quick view Cytisus racemosus PHEBUS® 'GENI138' Just like a sun! Must be potgrown and protected during cold winters. This INRAE - EUROGENI variety has been selected for its regular growth, more...
Quick view Daphne x transatlantica ETERNAL FRAGRANCE 'BLAFRA' Nearly everlasting, very fragrant flowers… The flowers of these new Daphne ETERNAL FRAGRANCE and PINK FRAGRANCE cultivations are intensely...
Quick view Daphne x transatlantica PINK FRAGRANCE 'BLAPINK' Fragrant flowers all summer long. The flowers of these new Daphne ETERNAL FRAGRANCE and PINK FRAGRANCE selections are intensely perfumed and...
Quick view Viburnum plicatum KILIMANDJARO Sunrise 'JWW5' An avalanche of pinkish white flowers and a mountain of red fruit! KILIMANDJARO® Sunrise presents In May an abundance of big, flat pinkish...