Quick view Clematis 'Blue Light' Generous lavender blue clematis from May to September. About 2 m high and fast growing, this variety of clematis is remarkable because of its...
Quick view Geum TUTTI FRUITI® 'MOT29' “Flashy" flowering, which illuminates the beds from late spring to mid-summer This compact perennial variety offers a combination of single or...
Quick view Hydrangea paniculata PRIM’WHITE® 'Dolprim' The first hydrangea paniculata of the season. PRIM'WHITE® has been selected from seedlings of Hydrangea paniculata 'Dharuma'. Flowering on the...
Quick view Hydrangea SO LONG® Rosy 'COUMONT' SO LONG®, a range of re-flowering hydrangeasRosy: abundantly floriferous on current year's growth SO LONG® Rosy 'COUMONT' is a hybrid from...
Quick view Philadelphus Pearls of Perfume 'G15097' A long, dazzling and fragrant flowering period! A clear improvement on the Philadelphus x virginalis group Flowering all along the...
Quick view Potentilla fruct. X vilmoriniana SILVER 'N GOLD... Golden flowers on a silver foliage SILVER 'N GOLD is a hybrid Potentilla which unifies the best qualities of its parents. Developed from...
Quick view Spiraea betulifolia PINK SPARKLER® 'COURISPI01' The first Spirea betulifolia dressed in pink This Spirea has a very compact growth like a dense pillow and a ground cover. It has bright light...
Quick view Viburnum plicatum KILIMANDJARO Sunrise 'JWW5' An avalanche of pinkish white flowers and a mountain of red fruit! KILIMANDJARO® Sunrise presents In May an abundance of big, flat pinkish...