Quick view Actinidia chinensis 'Minkigold' Small fruits with yellow flesh and the scent of apples. Right from its early age, this female variety carries apple scented fruit of 3 to 4 cm...
Quick view Actinidia deliciosa 'HERMA' A self-fertile kiwi plant with very large fruits This variety of kiwi, with its large, round leaves and self-fertilizing flowers, doesn't need...
Quick view Callistemon viminalis HOT PINK 'KKHO1' Bright pink flowers for this Callistemon, more hardy than other classic varieties. Like all the 'bottle brushes', the flowers are grouped in a...
Quick view Carpinus betulus ROCKHAMPTON RED 'Lochglow' A flamboyant autumn The spring and summer foliage is pure green. At the very beginning of autumn the leaves are coloured in different shades of...
Quick view Ceanothus 'Blue Diamond' An ideal evergreen for small spaces. Blue Diamond' is a shrub of about 1.00 m high with shiny evergreen foliage. Its beautiful deep blue...
Quick view Cornus kousa var chinensis MANDARIN JEWEL®... The elegance of Cornus is enhanced by the originality of its fruit This variety blooms abundantly with white flowers from late May to early...
Quick view Hypericum x inodorum MAGICAL® Pumpkin 'Kolmapuki' Berries in salmon tints, a brand-new colour in the MAGICAL® range Like all varieties of Hypericum of the MAGICAL® range, this variety presents: -...
Quick view Ilex x meservae MAGICAL® Little Rascal 'Mondo' A cute little holly. This holly variety has a dense, well-branched shape and is slow-growing. It is a male forn (no fruit), the white flowers in...
Quick view Lavandula stoechas 'Winter Lace' Early and very floriferous. Among the butterfly lavenders, 'Winter Lace' is a particularly cold- and damp resistant selection. Its grey-green...
Quick view Pervoskia atriplicifolia SILVERY BLUE 'LISSVERY' Bright, dense and upright, with lavender blue flowers until autumn This bright variety of Perovskia is of a dense and upright habit and maintains...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius ALL BLACK® 'MINALL2' The most dense and the darkest of the Physocarpus with purple foliage ALL BLACK® is remarkable because of the colours of its dense foliage: in...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius DIABLE D'OR® 'Mindia' In springtime light, pretty copper shimmering foliage. This shrub is remarkable for its dense, deciduous jagged foliage, with its original orange...