Quick view Exochorda racemosa 'Niagara' A springtime asset for smaller spaces. 'Niagara', a hybrid cultivation of Exochorda racemosa and macrantha 'The Bride', is denser than The Bride,...
Quick view Hebe 'Celebration' A resistant hebe, easy to grow and highly ornamental Hebe 'Celebration' is a highly ornamental variety that we have chosen for its resistance and...
Quick view Hydrangea quercifolia ICE CRYSTAL 'HQOPR010' Elegant toothed foliage and beautiful purple colour in autumn Hydrangea quercifolia ICE CRYSTAL has beautiful light foliage, due to deeply...
Quick view Loropetalum chinense EVER RED 'Chang Nian Hong' Remarkable bright red flowers and beautiful purple foliage all year long This evergreen Loropetalum is noticeable for its foliage, which stays...