Quick view Clematis montana STARLET® White Perfume 'HYFLET' A clematis with a great thrive and white, perfumed semi-double flowers This spectacularly vigorous clematis has an early spring bloom on the...
Quick view Exochorda racemosa 'Niagara' A springtime asset for smaller spaces. 'Niagara', a hybrid cultivation of Exochorda racemosa and macrantha 'The Bride', is denser than The Bride,...
Quick view Exochorda racemosa MAGICAL® SPRINGTIME... Upright branches covered in a profusion of pure white flowers in spring Exochordas are shrubs that will delight in the spring with their...
Quick view Hydrangea arborescens MAGICAL® Dark Pink... A variety of tree hydrangea with astonishing contrasts This hydrangea has good-sized, bright-pink inflorescences appearing in early summer and...
Quick view Malus COCCINELLA® 'Courtarou' An ornamental apple tree for the town or the country. This tree is of semi-spreading shape, reaching a height of 3 to 4meters in ten years and...
Quick view Malus PERPETU® 'Evereste' Naturally a STAR since its creation. This tree is of semi-spreading growth, reaching a height of 3 to 4m in ten years and has a harmonious...
Quick view Ulmus LUTECE® 'Nanguen' Resistant to the Dutch elm disease, our towns and countryside have found the elm again. Tested by INRAE, this hybrid is the result of cross...
Quick view Ulmus minor VADA® 'Wanoux' Excellent alignement tree resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Selected, tested and compared by INRAE, notably in a plantation in the Vincennes...
Quick view Ulmus RESISTA® 'Sapporo Autumn Gold' For a country style hedge resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Natural hybrid between Ulmus pumilla and Ulmus davidiana var japonica, first...