Quick view Caryopteris x clandonensis 'White Surprise' Its variegation sets off well its blue flowers. 'White Surprise', a selection of variegated Caryopteris surprises with its very bright, white...
Quick view Caryopteris x clandonensis GRAND BLEU® 'Inoveris' The bluest of all Caryopteris - GRAND BLEU® has been a STAR shrub for nearly 15 years. GRAND BLEU ® is a dense, bushy rounded shrub. Its growth...
Quick view Clematis montana STARLET® White Perfume 'HYFLET' A clematis with a great thrive and white, perfumed semi-double flowers This spectacularly vigorous clematis has an early spring bloom on the...
Quick view Exochorda racemosa 'Niagara' A springtime asset for smaller spaces. 'Niagara', a hybrid cultivation of Exochorda racemosa and macrantha 'The Bride', is denser than The Bride,...
Quick view Exochorda racemosa MAGICAL® SPRINGTIME... Upright branches covered in a profusion of pure white flowers in spring Exochordas are shrubs that will delight in the spring with their...
Quick view Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET® PASTEL... In the FRENCH CABARET® range, a subtle alliance of white and pink FRENCH CABARET® PASTEL 'MINDOUB1' has all the characteristics of the series:...
Quick view Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET® PURPLE... In the FRENCH CABARET® range, the purple violet has the place of honour FRENCH CABARET® PURPLE 'MINDOUV5' has all the characteristics of the...
Quick view Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET® RED 'MINDOUR1' In the FRENCH CABARET® range, dark red elegance FRENCH CABARET® RED 'MINDOUR1' has all the characteristics of the series: growth, flowering...
Quick view Hydrangea anomala SEMIOLA® 'Inovalaur' A climbing, semi-evergreen, vigourous hydrangea. This climbing Hydrangea comes from a crossing of H. anomala ssp petiolaris and H. seemannii. It...
Quick view Hydrangea arborescens MAGICAL® Dark Pink... A variety of tree hydrangea with astonishing contrasts This hydrangea has good-sized, bright-pink inflorescences appearing in early summer and...
Quick view Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL® Sweet Summer... Abundant flower heads on strong stems SWEET SUMMER is remarkable for its about 20 - 25 cm long, dense, cone shaped panicles. The sterile flowers...
Quick view Ligustrum ibota MUSLI® 'Muster' Luminous shrub, MUSLI® is noticeable from a distance. MUSLI® was discovered and selected as a seedling of Ligustrum ibota in Switzerland. Leaves...