Quick view Cytisus racemosus PHEBUS® 'GENI138' Just like a sun! Must be potgrown and protected during cold winters. This INRAE - EUROGENI variety has been selected for its regular growth, more...
Quick view Lonicera CAPRILIA® Ever 'INOV42' Ever, always: dense foliage even in winter, fragrant flowers in summer, bluish fuits in autumn. This variety of climbing honeysuckle of our...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius Sweet Cherry Tea®... A shrub with cheering flowers in late summer! Sweet Cherry Tea® is a highly flowering, melliferous physocarpus variety with a compact, upright...
Quick view Viburnum plicatum KILIMANDJARO Sunrise 'JWW5' An avalanche of pinkish white flowers and a mountain of red fruit! KILIMANDJARO® Sunrise presents In May an abundance of big, flat pinkish...