Quick view Berberis 'Thunderbolt' An evergreen Berberis, for a touch of purple all year long Thunderbolt, a new plant variety by INRAE, is a spiky shrub which resists well to the...
Quick view Carpinus betulus ROCKHAMPTON RED 'Lochglow' A flamboyant autumn The spring and summer foliage is pure green. At the very beginning of autumn the leaves are coloured in different shades of...
Quick view Choisya ternata SCENTED GEM 'LISSBRID' Pink buds and white flowers :an attractive two-tone effect This selection has been chosen for its original combination of a white flowering and...
Quick view Cornus kousa var chinensis MANDARIN JEWEL®... The elegance of Cornus is enhanced by the originality of its fruit This variety blooms abundantly with white flowers from late May to early...
Quick view Cotinus coggygria GOLDEN LADY® 'MINCOJAU3' A cultivation which will wake up beds and mixed hedges GOLDEN LADY® 'MINCOJAU3' is a real improvement on the existing golden varieties. In spring...
Quick view Eriostemon (Philotheca) myoporoides GOLD TOUCH®... The elegance of the Eriostemon, the variegation in addition ! This variety of eriostemon is distinguished by its elegant, bright, variegated...
Quick view Euphorbia BLACKBIRD 'Nothowlee' Its purple foliage, its contrasting flowers, its compact shape are as much an asset in pots or in the garden. This Euphorbia variety is a...
Quick view Euphorbia characias SILVER SWAN 'Wilcot' Brighten up your beds with SIVLER SWAN ! The SILVER SWAN selection is of medium growth. Its grey-green foliage with white edging is...
Quick view Euphorbia REDWING 'Charam' A long colourful flowering period for this dense Euphorbia. REDWING is of a very compact, round growth. Its evergreen grey-green foliage...
Quick view Hypericum x inodorum MAGICAL® Pumpkin 'Kolmapuki' Berries in salmon tints, a brand-new colour in the MAGICAL® range Like all varieties of Hypericum of the MAGICAL® range, this variety presents: -...
Quick view Ilex x meservae MAGICAL® Little Rascal 'Mondo' A cute little holly. This holly variety has a dense, well-branched shape and is slow-growing. It is a male forn (no fruit), the white flowers in...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica BRAISE D'ETE 'Indybra' A very early fire-red in the INDIYA CHARMS® range. The very early flowering is remarkable because of its very dense, good-sized, intense red...