Quick view Camellia japonica 'Kerguelen' The camelia with variegated foliage, decorative all year long. A mutant of the well known variety 'Nuccio's Cameo', 'Kerguelen' has double deep...
Quick view Chaeonomeles speciosa Red Kimono® 'AINOOMOI' A thornless chaenomeles! Unlike many other varieties of Japanese quince, Chaenomeles 'Red Kimono' bears no thorns, a great plus! From the end of...
Quick view Choisya ternata GOLD STAR 'LISSTAR" A golden yellow foliage that brightens the garden all year Gold Star is a new variety of Choisya that has been selected for its beautiful...
Quick view Choisya ternata GREENFINGERS 'LISSFING' A choisya with an unusual robust habit, large and abundant flowers gradually changing from pink to white GREENFINGERS 'Lissfing' is an...
Quick view Vitex x Chicagoland Blues 'Daniel Searle' A new hybrid chaste tree, created at the Chicago Botanical Garden, very resistant to cold This very unusual shrub (wide and compact) has...