Quick view Abelia PINK PONG® 'ABENOV41' Very decorative from May to October! Very floriferous over a long period of time (from May to October), PINK PONG® is decorative from spring...
Quick view Agapanthus africanus NINA® White 'MONSAPHO' A firm-favourite agapanthus that’s pocket-sized and abundantly flowering This variety of agapanthus is very compact! It quickly forms a clump,...
Quick view Anisodontea scabrosa 'Miss Pinky' Covered in flowers from spring to autumn! Native to South Africa, this new selection of Anisodontea flowers abundantly almost without...
Quick view Berberis 'Thunderbolt' An evergreen Berberis, for a touch of purple all year long Thunderbolt, a new plant variety by INRAE, is a spiky shrub which resists well to the...
Quick view Choisya ternata SCENTED GEM 'LISSBRID' Pink buds and white flowers :an attractive two-tone effect This selection has been chosen for its original combination of a white flowering and...
Quick view Euphorbia characias SILVER SWAN 'Wilcot' Brighten up your beds with SIVLER SWAN ! The SILVER SWAN selection is of medium growth. Its grey-green foliage with white edging is...
Quick view Ilex x meservae MAGICAL® Little Rascal 'Mondo' A cute little holly. This holly variety has a dense, well-branched shape and is slow-growing. It is a male forn (no fruit), the white flowers in...
Quick view Lavandula stoechas 'Winter Lace' Early and very floriferous. Among the butterfly lavenders, 'Winter Lace' is a particularly cold- and damp resistant selection. Its grey-green...
Quick view Loropetalum chinense EVER RED 'Chang Nian Hong' Remarkable bright red flowers and beautiful purple foliage all year long This evergreen Loropetalum is noticeable for its foliage, which stays...
Quick view Photinia fraseri 'Little Fenna' A tiny Photinia full of energy! Made for balconies or low hedges This variety of photinia is particularly compact and dense-growing, with sturdy...
Quick view Photinia serratifolia CRUNCHY® 'rev100' Chocolate coloured and toothed leaves : an original foliage with this new Photinia. The originality of the foliage brings a revival to the...
Quick view Photinia x fraseri LOUISE 'MCLARLOU' Beautifully mixed colours and an upright and regular form Its variegated foliage brings colour throughout the year. Photinia Louise has also been...