Quick view Cytisus racemosus PHEBUS® 'GENI138' Just like a sun! Must be potgrown and protected during cold winters. This INRAE - EUROGENI variety has been selected for its regular growth, more...
Quick view Elaeagnus x ebbingei MARYLINE® 'ABRELA' An original colour and a very even growth for this new Elaeagnus The foliage is widely variegated in a light yellow which gets stronger with the...
Quick view Erica x darleyensis WINTER BELLES® 'Katia' In the WINTER BELLES® range, beautiful white bells from autumn onwards. 'Katia' has magnificent pure white flowers against which stands out a...
Quick view Magnolia x Emperor 'MGEMP2012' An imperial blooming from an early age Selected by Vance Hooper, who is the breeder of the fabulous Magnolia ‘GENIE’ Superb flowers over...