Quick view Camellia japonica 'Kerguelen' The camelia with variegated foliage, decorative all year long. A mutant of the well known variety 'Nuccio's Cameo', 'Kerguelen' has double deep...
Quick view Caryopteris x clandonensis 'White Surprise' Its variegation sets off well its blue flowers. 'White Surprise', a selection of variegated Caryopteris surprises with its very bright, white...
Quick view Caryopteris x clandonensis GRAND BLEU® 'Inoveris' The bluest of all Caryopteris - GRAND BLEU® has been a STAR shrub for nearly 15 years. GRAND BLEU ® is a dense, bushy rounded shrub. Its growth...
Quick view Chaeonomeles speciosa Red Kimono® 'AINOOMOI' A thornless chaenomeles! Unlike many other varieties of Japanese quince, Chaenomeles 'Red Kimono' bears no thorns, a great plus! From the end of...
Quick view Clematis GIGA® Parma 'TRA35' Giant : generous flowering, numerous two-coloured flowers of spectacular dimensions. Among the selections of the range, GIGA® Parma : a...
Quick view Clematis GIGA® Violine 'TRAJEM' Very big flowers, of original red purple colouring. Among the selections of the range, GIGA® Violine: abundant flowering in May and June, a...
Quick view Elaeagnus x ebbingei MARYLINE® 'ABRELA' An original colour and a very even growth for this new Elaeagnus The foliage is widely variegated in a light yellow which gets stronger with the...
Quick view Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET® PASTEL... In the FRENCH CABARET® range, a subtle alliance of white and pink FRENCH CABARET® PASTEL 'MINDOUB1' has all the characteristics of the series:...
Quick view Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET® PURPLE... In the FRENCH CABARET® range, the purple violet has the place of honour FRENCH CABARET® PURPLE 'MINDOUV5' has all the characteristics of the...
Quick view Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET® RED 'MINDOUR1' In the FRENCH CABARET® range, dark red elegance FRENCH CABARET® RED 'MINDOUR1' has all the characteristics of the series: growth, flowering...
Quick view Hydrangea anomala SEMIOLA® 'Inovalaur' A climbing, semi-evergreen, vigourous hydrangea. This climbing Hydrangea comes from a crossing of H. anomala ssp petiolaris and H. seemannii. It...
Quick view Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL® Sweet Summer... Abundant flower heads on strong stems SWEET SUMMER is remarkable for its about 20 - 25 cm long, dense, cone shaped panicles. The sterile flowers...