Quick view Camellia japonica 'Kerguelen' The camelia with variegated foliage, decorative all year long. A mutant of the well known variety 'Nuccio's Cameo', 'Kerguelen' has double deep...
Quick view Chaeonomeles speciosa Red Kimono® 'AINOOMOI' A thornless chaenomeles! Unlike many other varieties of Japanese quince, Chaenomeles 'Red Kimono' bears no thorns, a great plus! From the end of...
Quick view Hydrangea anomala SEMIOLA® 'Inovalaur' A climbing, semi-evergreen, vigourous hydrangea. This climbing Hydrangea comes from a crossing of H. anomala ssp petiolaris and H. seemannii. It...
Quick view Ligustrum ibota MUSLI® 'Muster' Luminous shrub, MUSLI® is noticeable from a distance. MUSLI® was discovered and selected as a seedling of Ligustrum ibota in Switzerland. Leaves...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius Sweet Cherry Tea®... A shrub with cheering flowers in late summer! Sweet Cherry Tea® is a highly flowering, melliferous physocarpus variety with a compact, upright...