Quick view Camellia japonica 'Kerguelen' The camelia with variegated foliage, decorative all year long. A mutant of the well known variety 'Nuccio's Cameo', 'Kerguelen' has double deep...
Quick view Chaeonomeles speciosa Red Kimono® 'AINOOMOI' A thornless chaenomeles! Unlike many other varieties of Japanese quince, Chaenomeles 'Red Kimono' bears no thorns, a great plus! From the end of...
Quick view Erica x darleyensis 'Eva Gold' A precious heather for the garden. Mutant of the well-known variety 'Kramer's Rote', 'Eva Gold' possesses all its qualities: rapid growth,...
Quick view Eriostemon (Philotheca) myoporoides GOLD TOUCH®... The elegance of the Eriostemon, the variegation in addition ! This variety of eriostemon is distinguished by its elegant, bright, variegated...
Quick view Euphorbia BLACKBIRD 'Nothowlee' Its purple foliage, its contrasting flowers, its compact shape are as much an asset in pots or in the garden. This Euphorbia variety is a...
Quick view Euphorbia REDWING 'Charam' A long colourful flowering period for this dense Euphorbia. REDWING is of a very compact, round growth. Its evergreen grey-green foliage...
Quick view Forsythia WEEK-END® 'Courtalyn' A touch of light in beds and mixed hedges ... highly appreciated by garden lovers for a long time! WEEK-END® is interesting as it keeps its...
Quick view Forsythia x intermedia MIKADOR® 'MINFOR6' A treasure for gardens and nurseries. Its particularly dense and compact growth gives it a harmoniously branched and rounded profile, without...
Quick view Magnolia x 'Genie' A compact magnolia, with beautiful bright purple tulips. 'Genie' a cross between M. soulangeana and M. lilliflora 'Nigra', has all the qualities...