Quick view Callicarpa bodinieri MAGICAL® Snowstar... A callicarpa with brilliant snow-white berries A highly decorative and unusual display! Callicarpa Magical® Snowstar lights up the garden in the...
Quick view Carpinus betulus ROCKHAMPTON RED 'Lochglow' A flamboyant autumn The spring and summer foliage is pure green. At the very beginning of autumn the leaves are coloured in different shades of...
Quick view Cornus kousa var chinensis MANDARIN JEWEL®... The elegance of Cornus is enhanced by the originality of its fruit This variety blooms abundantly with white flowers from late May to early...
Quick view Corylus avellana 'Red Majestic' The corkscrew hazel with purple foliage. This variety combines the charm of the corkscrew hazel and the quality of the foliage of the purple...
Quick view Corylus avellana Medusa 'JWW9' A small hazelnut tree, very twisted and supple at the same time, which puts on a magnificent show in winter! This variety is an improvement on...
Quick view Forsythia MARÉE D'OR® 'Courtasol' The first ground-cover Forsythia has been STAR for more than 25 years. MAREE D'OR ®, about 0.80 m high and 1.50 m wide, layers naturally and as...
Quick view Gaura lindheimeri PINK PANACHE® 'Bargau' Its assets: a touch of light, a splash of colour and an exceptional shape ! This variety was first chosen for its completely new leaf...
Quick view Hydrangea arborescens MAGICAL® Dark Pink... A variety of tree hydrangea with astonishing contrasts This hydrangea has good-sized, bright-pink inflorescences appearing in early summer and...
Quick view Hypericum x inodorum MAGICAL® Pumpkin 'Kolmapuki' Berries in salmon tints, a brand-new colour in the MAGICAL® range Like all varieties of Hypericum of the MAGICAL® range, this variety presents: -...
Quick view Pervoskia atriplicifolia SILVERY BLUE 'LISSVERY' Bright, dense and upright, with lavender blue flowers until autumn This bright variety of Perovskia is of a dense and upright habit and maintains...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Flammenn' Among the compact Salvia, the fire red one from May to October. 'Flammenn', has been selected: - for its extremely even, compact and...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Melen' Compact Salvia, delicate due to its jellow - brown contrast from May to October. 'Melen' has been chosen: - for its extremely even, compact and...