Quick view Choisya ternata GREENFINGERS 'LISSFING' A choisya with an unusual robust habit, large and abundant flowers gradually changing from pink to white GREENFINGERS 'Lissfing' is an...
Quick view Corylus avellana 'Red Majestic' The corkscrew hazel with purple foliage. This variety combines the charm of the corkscrew hazel and the quality of the foliage of the purple...
Quick view Corylus avellana Medusa 'JWW9' A small hazelnut tree, very twisted and supple at the same time, which puts on a magnificent show in winter! This variety is an improvement on...
Quick view Daphne odora 'Rogalski' An evergreen and brightly variegated foliage, highly fragrant flowers, and great branching as a bonus! Resulting from a natural mutation, Daphne...
Quick view Daphne odora MARIANNI® 'Rogbret' MARIANNI®, a sure bet for the garden because of its bright lasting variegation and its intensely fragrant flowers. The evergreen foliage of...
Quick view Ulmus LUTECE® 'Nanguen' Resistant to the Dutch elm disease, our towns and countryside have found the elm again. Tested by INRAE, this hybrid is the result of cross...
Quick view Ulmus minor VADA® 'Wanoux' Excellent alignement tree resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Selected, tested and compared by INRAE, notably in a plantation in the Vincennes...