Quick view potentilla fruticosa BELLA SOL 'Hachdon' Everything going for it: compact and branched, with generous bright orange flowers! From July to September, Bella Sol® radiates with wide,...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa BELLISSIMA 'Hachliss' Everything to please: floriferous, innovative pink colour, ramified and compact shape BELLISSIMA® has everything to please: - a compact and...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Cream... A shrubby Potentilla with pink buds and creamy white, doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Cream provides abundant colourful flowers...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Gold 'MINJAU03' A shrubby Potentilla with bright, golden-yellow, doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Gold provides abundant, colourful flowers...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Pastel... A shrubby Potentilla with pastel pink doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Pastel provides abundant, colourful flowers throughout the...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Peach... A shrubby Potentilla with beautiful peach-coloured doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Peach provides abundant, colourful flowers...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Tango... A shrubby Potentilla with powerfully orange doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Tango provides abundant, colourful flowers throughout...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa LOVELY PINK® 'Pink Beauty' Delicately pink. LOVELY PINK®, grows well, reaches a height and width of 0.80 to 1m and has a round and even habit. The foliage is dark green....
Quick view Rubus loganobaccus BOUNTY BERRY® 'YANTAY' A highly fructiferous tayberry Tayberries are a cross between a blackberry and a raspberry. Bounty Berry is a new variety which is notable for...
Quick view Sambucus nigra BLACK TOWER 'Eiffel 1' Dark purple elder with an upright and thick shape. BLACK TOWER has an interesting upright and naturally thick shape. Its young shoots are green....
Quick view Sorbaria sorbifolia PINK HOPI® 'COUSORB05' A novelty for the Sorbaria genus : foliage with long lasting colours, a growth that stays compact Concerning the Sorbaria species, where...
Quick view Spiraea japonica LITTLE FLAME® 'MINSPIL04' Radiant foliage with evolving colours, an even and compact form Little Flame® is a fine improvement on the variety 'Goldflame', being neater and...