Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Gold 'MINJAU03' A shrubby Potentilla with bright, golden-yellow, doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Gold provides abundant, colourful flowers...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Pastel... A shrubby Potentilla with pastel pink doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Pastel provides abundant, colourful flowers throughout the...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Peach... A shrubby Potentilla with beautiful peach-coloured doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Peach provides abundant, colourful flowers...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Tango... A shrubby Potentilla with powerfully orange doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Tango provides abundant, colourful flowers throughout...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa LOVELY PINK® 'Pink Beauty' Delicately pink. LOVELY PINK®, grows well, reaches a height and width of 0.80 to 1m and has a round and even habit. The foliage is dark green....
Quick view Prunus laurocerasus 'Greentorch' A hardy selection with well-branched growth, for a maintenance-free hedge. This variety, coming from a Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken'...
Quick view Rubus idaeus GROOVY 'JDEBOER005' Perfect for the trend towards small ornamental and gourmet gardens! A new variety of dwarf raspberry, Rubus idaeus Groovy is also a highly...
Quick view Spiraea betulifolia PINK SPARKLER® 'COURISPI01' The first Spirea betulifolia dressed in pink This Spirea has a very compact growth like a dense pillow and a ground cover. It has bright light...
Quick view Spiraea japonica LITTLE FLAME® 'MINSPIL04' Radiant foliage with evolving colours, an even and compact form Little Flame® is a fine improvement on the variety 'Goldflame', being neater and...
Quick view Spiraea japonica MERLO® Gold 'DAVCOP04' A young bright red foliage, golden-yellow in summer, with an intense growth of dark pink flowers In spring, the foliage of Merlo® Gold has a...
Quick view Spiraea japonica MERLO® Green 'DAVROU01' Young bright purple foliage, followed by intense carmine pink flowers In spring the young shoots, at first bright purple red, then becoming...
Quick view Spiraea japonica MERLO® Star 'DAVCOP01' A young orange-red foliage, greeny-yellow in summer, with an intense growth of dark pink flowers In spring, Merlo® Star's foliage is remarkably...