Quick view potentilla fruticosa BELLA SOL 'Hachdon' Everything going for it: compact and branched, with generous bright orange flowers! From July to September, Bella Sol® radiates with wide,...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa BELLISSIMA 'Hachliss' Everything to please: floriferous, innovative pink colour, ramified and compact shape BELLISSIMA® has everything to please: - a compact and...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Cream... A shrubby Potentilla with pink buds and creamy white, doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Cream provides abundant colourful flowers...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Gold 'MINJAU03' A shrubby Potentilla with bright, golden-yellow, doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Gold provides abundant, colourful flowers...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Pastel... A shrubby Potentilla with pastel pink doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Pastel provides abundant, colourful flowers throughout the...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Peach... A shrubby Potentilla with beautiful peach-coloured doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Peach provides abundant, colourful flowers...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Tango... A shrubby Potentilla with powerfully orange doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Tango provides abundant, colourful flowers throughout...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa LOVELY PINK® 'Pink Beauty' Delicately pink. LOVELY PINK®, grows well, reaches a height and width of 0.80 to 1m and has a round and even habit. The foliage is dark green....
Quick view Prunus laurocerasus ETNA 'Anbri' Little springtime vulcanos for a low hedge. This variety of laurel with elegant branches naturally reaches a height of about 2 m and a spread of...
Quick view Prunus laurocerasus GENOLIA® 'Mariblon' For a naturally narrow and hardy hedge. This Prunus laurocerasus has been cultivated in Switzerland for its erect and narrow growth. It only...
Quick view Pyracantha SAPHYR® Jaune 'Cadaune' Yellow fruits for this resistant Pyracantha of the SAPHYR® range. This cultivation has all the characteristics of the SAPHYR® range. SAPHYR®...
Quick view Pyracantha SAPHYR® Orange 'Cadange' Hardy Pyracantha of the SAPHYR® range with orange berries. This variety has all the characteristics of the SAPHYR® range. SAPHYR® Orange...