Quick view Pittosporum tenuifolium Bannow Bay 'BREEBAY' Fantastic foliage in perpetual evolution The Bannow Bay variety is a natural mutation of the Pittosporum Tom Thumb. Its very dense foliage has...
Quick view Robinia x margaretta 'Georgia da Torino' A spectacular improvement of ‘Pink Cascade’ This variety is the result of numerous improvements to the red helmet variety, and has strong,...
Quick view Salvia 'Bleu Armor' Attractive because of its intense blue, early flowers, which renew themselves until autumn. Its shrub-like wide shape is regular, branched, dense...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Flammenn' Among the compact Salvia, the fire red one from May to October. 'Flammenn', has been selected: - for its extremely even, compact and...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Melen' Compact Salvia, delicate due to its jellow - brown contrast from May to October. 'Melen' has been chosen: - for its extremely even, compact and...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Pluenn' A bright pink from May onwards, 'Pluenn' offers a very beautiful second flowering at the end of the season. 'Pluenn' has been chosen: - for its...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis BELLE DE LOIRE® 'BARSABEL' A two-tone sage with original, bright colors! This shrubby sage has a particularly bright bloom: yellow and orange in spring, turning to cream...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis RÊVE® ROUGE 'FAURESAL02' Really red! The flowering-period ranges from May to October. These quite long clusters of flower heads are well stocked with good sized flowers...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis VIOLETTE DE LOIRE® 'Barsal' Original violet from May to the first frosts The flowers, more than 3 cm long, are of an intense, velvety violet, with a purplish blue light in...
Quick view Sambucus nigra BLACK BEAUTY 'Gerda' A purple elder all summer long. The purple, nearly black colour of this variety of Elder lasts all summer long. The shrub tolerates half shade,...
Quick view Sambucus nigra BLACK LACE 'Eva' Purple and lacinated, a very decorative elder This elder is very elegant thanks to its big, deep purple, nearly black, finely dissected leaves....
Quick view Vitex x Chicagoland Blues 'Daniel Searle' A new hybrid chaste tree, created at the Chicago Botanical Garden, very resistant to cold This very unusual shrub (wide and compact) has...