Quick view Malus COCCINELLA® 'Courtarou' An ornamental apple tree for the town or the country. This tree is of semi-spreading shape, reaching a height of 3 to 4meters in ten years and...
Quick view Malus PERPETU® 'Evereste' Naturally a STAR since its creation. This tree is of semi-spreading growth, reaching a height of 3 to 4m in ten years and has a harmonious...
Quick view Parahebe catarractae 'Avalanche' A deep foliage, abundant and delicate white flowers all summer long Originating in New Zealand, this evergreen selection is hardy down to -12° C....
Quick view Photinia fraseri 'Little Fenna' A tiny Photinia full of energy! Made for balconies or low hedges This variety of photinia is particularly compact and dense-growing, with sturdy...
Quick view Photinia serratifolia CRUNCHY® 'rev100' Chocolate coloured and toothed leaves : an original foliage with this new Photinia. The originality of the foliage brings a revival to the...
Quick view Photinia x fraseri LOUISE 'MCLARLOU' Beautifully mixed colours and an upright and regular form Its variegated foliage brings colour throughout the year. Photinia Louise has also been...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa BELLA APPLE 'Hachapp' A new colour in the serie of the compact and abundantly flowering Potentilla! This variety blooms abundantly and continuously all summer long,...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa BELLA BIANCA 'Hachbianca' Compact, very floriferous, the best in white flowers ! BELLA BIANCA is a potentilla variety that blooms abundantly all summer long, with pure...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Bella Lindsey 'Hendlin' Bright, generous and beautiful blooms all summer long With its multitude of small, bright yellow flowers with golden centers, Bella Lindsey...
Quick view potentilla fruticosa BELLA SOL 'Hachdon' Everything going for it: compact and branched, with generous bright orange flowers! From July to September, Bella Sol® radiates with wide,...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa BELLISSIMA 'Hachliss' Everything to please: floriferous, innovative pink colour, ramified and compact shape BELLISSIMA® has everything to please: - a compact and...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa Double Punch® Cream... A shrubby Potentilla with pink buds and creamy white, doubled flowers The Potentilla Double Punch® Cream provides abundant colourful flowers...