Quick view Hibiscus syriacus WHITE CHIFFON 'Notwoodtwo' The charm of the CHIFFON range and white flowers all sommer long From July to September, the flowers of WHITE CHIFFON are white with a slightly...
Quick view Hibiscus x FUJIN® 'AKATA204' A Hibiscus of the moscheutos type suited to growing in pots, giving superb, white and soft pink flowers L'Hibiscus x Fujin® unites the superb...
Quick view Hibiscus x RAIJIN® 'AKATA88' Superb, glossy red flowers, a small Hibiscus of the moscheutos type suited to growing in pots Hibiscus x Rajin® unites the superb flowering...
Quick view Hoheria x stylosa SNOW WHITE 'HUTWHIT' A small, ornamental tree with striking summer flowers Hoheria sextylosa 'Snow White' is a small tree that keeps its ornamental character...
Quick view Hydrangea anomala ssp. petiolaris 'Silver Lining' Bright with its green - grey variegated foliage, edged in white 'Silver Lining' catches the eye with its dense and bright foliage. The green-grey...
Quick view Hydrangea arborescens MAGICAL® Dark Pink... A variety of tree hydrangea with astonishing contrasts This hydrangea has good-sized, bright-pink inflorescences appearing in early summer and...
Quick view Hydrangea macrophylla DOLCE® Farfalle 'Dolfarf' A profusion of pink balls in summer. Spectacular in June - July. Farfalle has a ball-shaped inflorescence, very original through their florets...
Quick view Hydrangea macrophylla DOLCE® Fragola 'DOLFRAG' Big strawberry -red flowers. A safe bet! Fragola, big delicious strawberry-red flowers in June - July, compact and well branched growth,...
Quick view Hydrangea macrophylla DOLCE® France 'DOLFRANC' A hortensia that privileges purple, from its foliage to the hems of the flowers Descended from the variety 'Kiyosumi', DOLCE® France provides a...
Quick view Hydrangea macrophylla DOLCE® Gipsy 'Dolgip' Bright shades of pink and purple. DOLCE® Gipsy is bushy and well branched, producing an abundance of flowers. It has average growth and a round...
Quick view Hydrangea paniculata CANDLELIGHT® 'HPOPR013' Handsome creamy white panicles contrasting with upright dark red stems Candlelight® has large creamy white cone-shaped panicles on upright dark...
Quick view Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL® Fire 'Bokraplume' Fire-red flower heads. In July, quite straggly, white pyramid-shaped flowers which turn pink, then purple in September. Long lasting in a vase....