Quick view Robinia x margaretta 'Georgia da Torino' A spectacular improvement of ‘Pink Cascade’ This variety is the result of numerous improvements to the red helmet variety, and has strong,...
Quick view Rubus idaeus GROOVY 'JDEBOER005' Perfect for the trend towards small ornamental and gourmet gardens! A new variety of dwarf raspberry, Rubus idaeus Groovy is also a highly...
Quick view Sambucus nigra BLACK BEAUTY 'Gerda' A purple elder all summer long. The purple, nearly black colour of this variety of Elder lasts all summer long. The shrub tolerates half shade,...
Quick view Sambucus nigra BLACK LACE 'Eva' Purple and lacinated, a very decorative elder This elder is very elegant thanks to its big, deep purple, nearly black, finely dissected leaves....
Quick view Sambucus x strumpfii SERENADE 'JONADE' A serenade of brilliant colours The compound and toothed leaves are at first purple brown as the buds burst, then turn bronze to golden yellow...
Quick view Stokesia laevis 'Mels Blue' Une profusion de fleurs lumineuses sur des tiges dressées This is an upright, regularly rounded selection, well branched from the base. The...
Quick view Tecoma capensis Tropical Twist 'FIT02' A tropical touch in the garden! Large tubular flowers in bright yellow and orange on the outside Very long flowering period from May to...
Quick view Ulmus LUTECE® 'Nanguen' Resistant to the Dutch elm disease, our towns and countryside have found the elm again. Tested by INRAE, this hybrid is the result of cross...
Quick view Ulmus minor VADA® 'Wanoux' Excellent alignement tree resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Selected, tested and compared by INRAE, notably in a plantation in the Vincennes...
Quick view Ulmus RESISTA® 'Sapporo Autumn Gold' For a country style hedge resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Natural hybrid between Ulmus pumilla and Ulmus davidiana var japonica, first...
Quick view Weigela 'Brigela' Variegated, even in sunlight. 'Brigela' is the weigela with variegated green foliage, edged in creamy yellow, which keeps its qualities all...
Quick view Weigela BLACK AND WHITE® 'Courtacad 1' Small shrub with surprising contrasts: white flowers on dark foliage. This new variety, resulting from crossbreeding carried out by INRAE in...