Quick view Hypericum x inodorum MAGICAL® Green Revival... All of the MAGICAL® range’s qualities with large apple-green fruits The MAGICAL® Green Revival variety offers abundant flowering with small...
Quick view Hypericum x inodorum MAGICAL® Impression... Very large, vermillion-red, decorative berries of an exceptional duration The Hypericum MAGICAL® Impression is notable for its particularly...
Quick view Hypericum x inodorum MAGICAL® Innocence... Very large, decorative and lightly salmon-pink berries The Hypericum MAGICAL® Innocence is notable for its particularly large, salmon-pink tinted...
Quick view Hypericum x inodorum MAGICAL® Red Fame 'Kolmaref' Shiny red berries contrast well with the beautiful dark green foliage. Like all varieties of Hypericum of the MAGICAL® range, this variety...
Quick view Hypericum x inodorum MAGICAL® Sunshine 'Kolmasun' Original light yellow oval berries. Like all varieties of Hypericum of the MAGICAL® range, this variety presents: - a quality, semi-evergreen,...
Quick view Lonicera CAPRILIA® Ever 'INOV42' Ever, always: dense foliage even in winter, fragrant flowers in summer, bluish fuits in autumn. This variety of climbing honeysuckle of our...
Quick view Parahebe catarractae 'Avalanche' A deep foliage, abundant and delicate white flowers all summer long Originating in New Zealand, this evergreen selection is hardy down to -12° C....
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius ALL BLACK® 'MINALL2' The most dense and the darkest of the Physocarpus with purple foliage ALL BLACK® is remarkable because of the colours of its dense foliage: in...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius DIABLE D'OR® 'Mindia' In springtime light, pretty copper shimmering foliage. This shrub is remarkable for its dense, deciduous jagged foliage, with its original orange...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius Raspberry Lemonade®... A physocarpus with golden foliage Raspberry Lemonade® is a highly flowering, melliferous physocarpus variety with a compact, upright habit and...
Quick view Pittosporum tenuifolium Bannow Bay 'BREEBAY' Fantastic foliage in perpetual evolution The Bannow Bay variety is a natural mutation of the Pittosporum Tom Thumb. Its very dense foliage has...
Quick view Potentilla fruticosa BELLA APPLE 'Hachapp' A new colour in the serie of the compact and abundantly flowering Potentilla! This variety blooms abundantly and continuously all summer long,...