Quick view Sambucus nigra BLACK LACE 'Eva' Purple and lacinated, a very decorative elder This elder is very elegant thanks to its big, deep purple, nearly black, finely dissected leaves....
Quick view Sambucus x strumpfii SERENADE 'JONADE' A serenade of brilliant colours The compound and toothed leaves are at first purple brown as the buds burst, then turn bronze to golden yellow...
Quick view Sollya heterophylla ULTRA BLUE 'TUISOL' An unusual climber with multiple, intensely blue bell-like flowers Sollya heterophylla is an attractive and abundant climber for gardens where...
Quick view Stokesia laevis 'Mels Blue' Une profusion de fleurs lumineuses sur des tiges dressées This is an upright, regularly rounded selection, well branched from the base. The...
Quick view Weigela 'Brigela' Variegated, even in sunlight. 'Brigela' is the weigela with variegated green foliage, edged in creamy yellow, which keeps its qualities all...
Quick view Weigela BLACK AND WHITE® 'Courtacad 1' Small shrub with surprising contrasts: white flowers on dark foliage. This new variety, resulting from crossbreeding carried out by INRAE in...
Quick view Weigela florida 'Alexandra' Spectacular contrast in May. 'Alexandra' has beautiful deciduous dark purple foliage; it is the most purple among all the varieties of Weigela...
Quick view Weigela florida MAGICAL® Rainbow 'Kolmagira' A rainbow in the garden. The "rainbow" foliage is very original: green with a wide yellow border turning dark pink during the summer. The...
Quick view Weigela NAIN ROUGE® 'Courtanin' Ideal for small spaces. NAIN ROUGE® is very original due to its truly compact shape: it grows into a round bush, 0.80 to 1 m high and wide. The...