Quick view Pyracantha SAPHYR® Rouge 'Cadrou' Hardy Pyrancantha of the ; SAPHYR® range, with red berries. This variety has all the characteristics of the SAPHYR® range. SAPHYR® Rouge...
Quick view Rhododendron LADY LASA® BOUTI0150? Shades of coral and salmon A very fashionable colour for this floriferous variety with well-rounded inflorescences, Lady Lasa® is a small...
Quick view Rhododendron SIR WHITE RUBY® 'BOUTI9602? Enormous, brightly-coloured flowers The rhododendron SIR WHITE RUBY® is an improved version of the variety 'Point Défiance'. Its very large...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Flammenn' Among the compact Salvia, the fire red one from May to October. 'Flammenn', has been selected: - for its extremely even, compact and...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Melen' Compact Salvia, delicate due to its jellow - brown contrast from May to October. 'Melen' has been chosen: - for its extremely even, compact and...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Pluenn' A bright pink from May onwards, 'Pluenn' offers a very beautiful second flowering at the end of the season. 'Pluenn' has been chosen: - for its...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis BELLE DE LOIRE® 'BARSABEL' A two-tone sage with original, bright colors! This shrubby sage has a particularly bright bloom: yellow and orange in spring, turning to cream...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis MAGICAL® Donau 'Kolmadon' Flower rivers to colour the gardens! A range of Salvia : compact and abundantly flowering • A series of compact and regular varieties,...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis RÊVE® ROUGE 'FAURESAL02' Really red! The flowering-period ranges from May to October. These quite long clusters of flower heads are well stocked with good sized flowers...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis VIOLETTE DE LOIRE® 'Barsal' Original violet from May to the first frosts The flowers, more than 3 cm long, are of an intense, velvety violet, with a purplish blue light in...
Quick view Weigela CARNAVAL® 'Courtalor' Red, pink, white, a carnaval in the garden. Compact and vigorous, CARNAVAL® grows to about 1.5 to 2 m. It does well when grown in containers. Its...
Quick view Wisteria sinensis BLUE LINE® Copper 'Leo' Intense charm and fragrance, with superb coppery spring foliage This variety of Chinese wisteria is original for its young coppery foliage, which...