Quick view Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET® RED 'MINDOUR1' In the FRENCH CABARET® range, dark red elegance FRENCH CABARET® RED 'MINDOUR1' has all the characteristics of the series: growth, flowering...
Quick view Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL® Sweet Summer... Abundant flower heads on strong stems SWEET SUMMER is remarkable for its about 20 - 25 cm long, dense, cone shaped panicles. The sterile flowers...
Quick view Hydrangea quercifolia ICE CRYSTAL 'HQOPR010' Elegant toothed foliage and beautiful purple colour in autumn Hydrangea quercifolia ICE CRYSTAL has beautiful light foliage, due to deeply...
Quick view Hypericum x inodorum MAGICAL® Pumpkin 'Kolmapuki' Berries in salmon tints, a brand-new colour in the MAGICAL® range Like all varieties of Hypericum of the MAGICAL® range, this variety presents: -...
Quick view Ilex x meservae MAGICAL® Little Rascal 'Mondo' A cute little holly. This holly variety has a dense, well-branched shape and is slow-growing. It is a male forn (no fruit), the white flowers in...
Quick view Lavandula stoechas 'Winter Lace' Early and very floriferous. Among the butterfly lavenders, 'Winter Lace' is a particularly cold- and damp resistant selection. Its grey-green...
Quick view Miscanthus sinensis 'Red Zenith' A flamboyant Miscanthus in late summer This grass has red flowers with pink highlights, appearing in summer and providing a superb contrast to...
Quick view Miscanthus WINDY® Zephyr 'SEL 111-19' A beautiful red autumn colour that lasts until the coldest weather This grass has a red spike-like bloom that appears in summer, contrasting...
Quick view Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Dark Desire' Charming black panicles contrasting with a green foliage This variety of pennisetum has large, red-tinged spikes that turn purple-black. The...
Quick view Pennisetum alopecuroides WINDY® 'Simonette' Red-purple green foliage, an original color for a Pennisetum! This perennial grass's foliage takes on magnificent red hues in late summer and...
Quick view Pervoskia atriplicifolia SILVERY BLUE 'LISSVERY' Bright, dense and upright, with lavender blue flowers until autumn This bright variety of Perovskia is of a dense and upright habit and maintains...
Quick view Pieris japonica 'Little Frosty' A tiny Pieris with finely elegant foliage 'Little Frosty' is a tiny Pieris with finely elegant foliage that is green with white borders and...