Quick view Salvia x jamensis MAGICAL® Donau 'Kolmadon' Flower rivers to colour the gardens! A range of Salvia : compact and abundantly flowering • A series of compact and regular varieties,...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis RÊVE® ROUGE 'FAURESAL02' Really red! The flowering-period ranges from May to October. These quite long clusters of flower heads are well stocked with good sized flowers...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis VIOLETTE DE LOIRE® 'Barsal' Original violet from May to the first frosts The flowers, more than 3 cm long, are of an intense, velvety violet, with a purplish blue light in...
Quick view Ulmus LUTECE® 'Nanguen' Resistant to the Dutch elm disease, our towns and countryside have found the elm again. Tested by INRAE, this hybrid is the result of cross...
Quick view Ulmus minor VADA® 'Wanoux' Excellent alignement tree resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Selected, tested and compared by INRAE, notably in a plantation in the Vincennes...
Quick view Ulmus RESISTA® 'Sapporo Autumn Gold' For a country style hedge resistant to Dutch Elm Disease. Natural hybrid between Ulmus pumilla and Ulmus davidiana var japonica, first...
Quick view Viburnum plicatum KILIMANDJARO Sunrise 'JWW5' An avalanche of pinkish white flowers and a mountain of red fruit! KILIMANDJARO® Sunrise presents In May an abundance of big, flat pinkish...