Quick view Hibiscus syriacus SUP'HEART® 'Minomb' Very floriferous and strong growing, an asset for the producer! The result of the work by the MINIER nurseries, SUP'HEART® is a clear improvement...
Quick view Hibiscus syriacus ULTRAMARINE® II 'MINSYLBLEU9' Dark blue flowers and upright growth This variety, fruit of the breeding efforts carried out by the nurseries MINIER, is an improvement on their...
Quick view Hibiscus syriacus WHITE CHIFFON 'Notwoodtwo' The charm of the CHIFFON range and white flowers all sommer long From July to September, the flowers of WHITE CHIFFON are white with a slightly...
Quick view Hibiscus x FUJIN® 'AKATA204' A Hibiscus of the moscheutos type suited to growing in pots, giving superb, white and soft pink flowers L'Hibiscus x Fujin® unites the superb...
Quick view Hibiscus x RAIJIN® 'AKATA88' Superb, glossy red flowers, a small Hibiscus of the moscheutos type suited to growing in pots Hibiscus x Rajin® unites the superb flowering...
Quick view Lagerstroemia BLACK DIAMOND® Purely Purple™ A shrub with bright flowers against a background of black foliage BLACK DIAMOND® Purely Purple™ is a variety of Indian lilac with almost black...
Quick view Lagerstroemia BLACK DIAMOND® Shell Pink™ A shrub with bright flowers against a background of black foliage BLACK DIAMOND® Shell Pink™ is a variety of Indian lilac with almost black...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica 'Violet Filli' A superb spreading lagerstroemia! This variety of Indian lilac is compact and has an original horizontal habit! It blooms in summer, giving...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica Berry Dazzle 'GAMAD VI' A superb lagerstroemia, ideal for small spaces! This variety of Indian lilac has a compact, upright habit. Its summer flowers are fuchsia-red....
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Flammenn' Among the compact Salvia, the fire red one from May to October. 'Flammenn', has been selected: - for its extremely even, compact and...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Melen' Compact Salvia, delicate due to its jellow - brown contrast from May to October. 'Melen' has been chosen: - for its extremely even, compact and...
Quick view Salvia x jamensis 'Pluenn' A bright pink from May onwards, 'Pluenn' offers a very beautiful second flowering at the end of the season. 'Pluenn' has been chosen: - for its...