Quick view Hibiscus syriacus FRENCH CABARET® RED 'MINDOUR1' In the FRENCH CABARET® range, dark red elegance FRENCH CABARET® RED 'MINDOUR1' has all the characteristics of the series: growth, flowering...
Quick view Hydrangea macrophylla DOLCE® Farfalle 'Dolfarf' A profusion of pink balls in summer. Spectacular in June - July. Farfalle has a ball-shaped inflorescence, very original through their florets...
Quick view Hydrangea macrophylla DOLCE® Fragola 'DOLFRAG' Big strawberry -red flowers. A safe bet! Fragola, big delicious strawberry-red flowers in June - July, compact and well branched growth,...
Quick view Hydrangea paniculata MAGICAL® Sweet Summer... Abundant flower heads on strong stems SWEET SUMMER is remarkable for its about 20 - 25 cm long, dense, cone shaped panicles. The sterile flowers...
Quick view Lavatera SONG BIRD 'JOBIRD' A superb summer bloom providing simultaneous tints from white to pink Freely flowering throughout the summer months, this mallow is a delight in...
Quick view Miscanthus sinensis 'Red Zenith' A flamboyant Miscanthus in late summer This grass has red flowers with pink highlights, appearing in summer and providing a superb contrast to...
Quick view Miscanthus WINDY® Zephyr 'SEL 111-19' A beautiful red autumn colour that lasts until the coldest weather This grass has a red spike-like bloom that appears in summer, contrasting...
Quick view Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Dark Desire' Charming black panicles contrasting with a green foliage This variety of pennisetum has large, red-tinged spikes that turn purple-black. The...
Quick view Pennisetum alopecuroides WINDY® 'Simonette' Red-purple green foliage, an original color for a Pennisetum! This perennial grass's foliage takes on magnificent red hues in late summer and...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius ALL BLACK® 'MINALL2' The most dense and the darkest of the Physocarpus with purple foliage ALL BLACK® is remarkable because of the colours of its dense foliage: in...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius DIABLE D'OR® 'Mindia' In springtime light, pretty copper shimmering foliage. This shrub is remarkable for its dense, deciduous jagged foliage, with its original orange...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius Raspberry Lemonade®... A physocarpus with golden foliage Raspberry Lemonade® is a highly flowering, melliferous physocarpus variety with a compact, upright habit and...