Quick view Lagerstroemia indica MIMIE® Fuchsia 'DABLAGE01' MIMIE® Fuchsia: covering growth, prolific bright flowers, early and long lasting This Lagerstroemia variety bred by Alain DABADIE had firstly...
Quick view Lagerstroemia indica MIMIE® Rose 'DABLAGE02' The qualities of MIMIE® Fuchsia lagerstroemia in a pink version MIMIE® Rose lilac is a compact variety with a horizontal habit, ground-covering...
Quick view Lavandula stoechas 'Winter Lace' Early and very floriferous. Among the butterfly lavenders, 'Winter Lace' is a particularly cold- and damp resistant selection. Its grey-green...
Quick view Lonicera CAPRILIA® Ever 'INOV42' Ever, always: dense foliage even in winter, fragrant flowers in summer, bluish fuits in autumn. This variety of climbing honeysuckle of our...
Quick view Passiflora RIVERSIDE® 'Damsel's Delight' Walls, trellises and pots : big decorative flowers from May to the frosts Vigorous and spectacularly climbing, this polyploid hybrid attaches...
Quick view Passiflora RIVERSIDE® 'Snow Queen' Walls, trellises and pots : a graphic passion flower from May to the frosts Vigorous and spectacularly climbing, this polyploid hybrid attaches...
Quick view Pervoskia atriplicifolia SILVERY BLUE 'LISSVERY' Bright, dense and upright, with lavender blue flowers until autumn This bright variety of Perovskia is of a dense and upright habit and maintains...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius ALL BLACK® 'MINALL2' The most dense and the darkest of the Physocarpus with purple foliage ALL BLACK® is remarkable because of the colours of its dense foliage: in...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius DIABLE D'OR® 'Mindia' In springtime light, pretty copper shimmering foliage. This shrub is remarkable for its dense, deciduous jagged foliage, with its original orange...
Quick view Physocarpus opulifolius Raspberry Lemonade®... A physocarpus with golden foliage Raspberry Lemonade® is a highly flowering, melliferous physocarpus variety with a compact, upright habit and...
Quick view Pieris japonica 'Little Frosty' A tiny Pieris with finely elegant foliage 'Little Frosty' is a tiny Pieris with finely elegant foliage that is green with white borders and...
Quick view Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Golden Ball' A golden ball for low hedges or in isolation The variety 'Golden Ball' has very brilliant golden foliage. In its period of growth, its young...