Quick view Passiflora RIVERSIDE® 'Snow Queen' Walls, trellises and pots : a graphic passion flower from May to the frosts Vigorous and spectacularly climbing, this polyploid hybrid attaches...
Quick view Photinia fraseri 'Little Fenna' A tiny Photinia full of energy! Made for balconies or low hedges This variety of photinia is particularly compact and dense-growing, with sturdy...
Quick view Photinia serratifolia CRUNCHY® 'rev100' Chocolate coloured and toothed leaves : an original foliage with this new Photinia. The originality of the foliage brings a revival to the...
Quick view Photinia x fraseri LOUISE 'MCLARLOU' Beautifully mixed colours and an upright and regular form Its variegated foliage brings colour throughout the year. Photinia Louise has also been...
Quick view Prunus laurocerasus 'Greentorch' A hardy selection with well-branched growth, for a maintenance-free hedge. This variety, coming from a Prunus laurocerasus 'Otto Luyken'...
Quick view Tecoma capensis Tropical Twist 'FIT02' A tropical touch in the garden! Large tubular flowers in bright yellow and orange on the outside Very long flowering period from May to...
Quick view Viburnum plicatum KILIMANDJARO Sunrise 'JWW5' An avalanche of pinkish white flowers and a mountain of red fruit! KILIMANDJARO® Sunrise presents In May an abundance of big, flat pinkish...